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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Kings Beach, CA 
Current Time: 06:14:17 AM PDT

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Weather Alert
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Type Special Weather Statement
Issued By NWS Tiyan GU
Issuing Time Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:11:00 PDT
Broadcast Time Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:11:00 PDT
Valid Until Sat, 15 Mar 2025 00:15:00 PDT
Brief Description Special Weather Statement
Detailed Description A large, long-period northerly swell is moving through the region now. Buoy data shows 6-9 foot northerly swell with periods of 14-17 seconds and well timed with the full moon phase and its higher high tides. For the northern islands, surf is currently around 14 feet and experiencing the greatest risk for coastal inundation along north facing shores exposed to the open ocean, and also within the lagoons. Water can pile into lagoons if open to the ocean on their north side and closed along the southern edge with few reef passes to allow water to flow through. Inundation can cause debris to cover vulnerable property, roads and even airport runways. Sea heights around 11 to 14 feet are making inter-travel between islands hazardous. Atolls such as Majuro, Kwajalein, Jaluit, and Mili, are being shadowed somewhat by the more northern islands, currently reducing the max surf and sea height, but this will not be enough to prevent hazardous conditions. Current observations and satellite altimetry data suggest surf is up to 12 feet at Majuro with seas around 11 feet, but seas could peak around 13 feet tonight. Minor coastal inundation is still possible, with the greatest risk along north facing shores exposed to the open ocean and within the lagoons. Model guidance has conditions peaking late this evening or tonight and then slowly decreasing Saturday. Models are sometimes a little quick to bring down the large swell, so expect hazardous conditions to continue for most of the weekend as the northerly swell slowly weakens with a more noticeable improvement by Sunday night or Monday. Residents should monitor local sea conditions and forecasts and be alert for minor flooding and debris on roads and property near shore lines, along with dangerous surf, swimming, and boating conditions. Stay up to date with information from your Weather Service Office in Majuro, and any information shared from local emergency management offices. The latest Majuro forecasts can be found at weather.gov/gum/PublicForecasts.
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Louisiana,Mississippi Flood Warning (16)
Florida,Georgia Flood Warning (10)
Arkansas Flood Warning (22)
Texas Flood Warning (7)
Oregon Flood Warning (3)
North Carolina Flood Warning
New Mexico Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (11)
California Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (85)
Oregon Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (20)
Minnesota Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (11)
Colorado Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (63)
Utah Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (36)
Iowa Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory
South Dakota Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (3)
Arizona Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (9)
Wyoming Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (23)
Washington Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (7)
Idaho Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory
Alaska Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (3)
Montana,Wyoming Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (10)
Coastal Oregon,Coastal Oregon-California,Coastal California-Oregon Public Severe Weather Alert (5)
Idaho Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement
California Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement
Louisiana,Mississippi Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (7)
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Marshall Islands Special Weather Statement
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Illinois Special Weather Statement
Iowa,Minnesota,Wisconsin Special Weather Statement (4)
Oregon Special Weather Statement
Alaska Special Weather Statement
Kentucky Special Weather Statement
Ohio Special Weather Statement
West Virginia Special Weather Statement
Virginia Special Weather Statement
South Dakota Air Stagnation Advisory
Kansas,Missouri Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (49)
Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (102)
New Mexico,Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (83)
Indiana,Michigan,Ohio Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (14)
Nebraska Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (25)
Colorado,Kansas,Nebraska Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (26)
Arkansas,Oklahoma,Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (36)
California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (50)
Coastal Virginia,Coastal North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (8)
Illinois,Indiana,Kentucky,Missouri Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (32)
South Dakota Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (32)
Pamlico Sound - North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Iowa,Illinois,Missouri Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (18)
North Dakota Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (17)
Louisiana,Mississippi Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (7)
Tennessee Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
Wyoming Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (8)
Nevada Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal Oregon,Coastal Oregon-California,Coastal California-Oregon Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (44)
Lake Superior - Minnesota Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Coastal Virginia,Coastal North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal Virginia,Coastal North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal Virginia,Coastal North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal Virginia,Coastal North Carolina Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Kansas Red Flag Warning (19)
Arkansas Red Flag Warning (5)
Illinois Red Flag Warning (4)
Oklahoma,Texas Red Flag Warning (41)
Iowa,Nebraska Red Flag Warning (7)
Colorado Red Flag Warning (4)
New Mexico,Texas Red Flag Warning (9)
Missouri Red Flag Warning (2)
Coastal Massachusetts Marine Weather Statement (2)
Pohnpei Coastal Waters,Kosrae Coastal Waters,Majuro Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement (2)
Federated States of Micronesia Marine Weather Statement (13)
Marshall Islands Marine Weather Statement (2)
Guam Coastal Waters,Rota Coastal Waters,Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Guam,Mauritius Marine Weather Statement (6)
Chuuk Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement (3)
Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement
Lake Huron,Lake Huron Marine Weather Statement
Lake Superior Marine Weather Statement
California Marine Weather Statement (19)
Palau Marine Weather Statement
Alabama,Florida Marine Weather Statement (3)
Coastal California,Coastal WA; Coastal CA; Coastal OR Marine Weather Statement (67)
Lake Superior - Minnesota Marine Weather Statement
Guam Coastal Waters,Rota Coastal Waters,Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Pohnpei Coastal Waters,Kosrae Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Pohnpei Coastal Waters,Kosrae Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Pohnpei Coastal Waters,Kosrae Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Guam Coastal Waters,Rota Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Marine Weather Statement
Michigan River Statement
Washington River Statement
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