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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Belleair Beach, FL 
Current Time: 02:28:38 PM EDT

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Weather Alert
    Other Weather Alerts
Type Special Weather Statement

Special Weather Statement
Wed Sep 18 22:59:00 PDT 2024
Wed Sep 18 22:59:00 PDT 2024
Wed Sep 18 22:59:00 PDT 2024
Wed Sep 18 16:55:00 PDT 2024
Wed Sep 18 16:55:00 PDT 2024
Wed Sep 18 16:55:00 PDT 2024

Issued By NWS Duluth MN
Issuing Time Thu, 19 Sep 2024 07:53:00 PDT
Broadcast Time Thu, 19 Sep 2024 07:53:00 PDT
Valid Until Thu, 19 Sep 2024 13:00:00 PDT
Brief Description Special Weather Statement
Detailed Description Severe thunderstorms are expected to affect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness this evening. The storms may produce damaging winds, large hail, frequent cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally heavy rainfall. Thunderstorms could happen as early as 4pm with the most likely time for thunderstorms between 5 to 9 pm. Now is the time to prepare in case thunderstorms threaten. Campers should take extra precautions now in order to secure campsites and make a plan in case of severe weather. For strong winds, try to keep your tent away from large or decayed trees. For large hail, use your well-tied down canoe or tent for shelter. For lightning, sit on your personal floatation devices or sleeping pads and avoid putting your tent on top of exposed tree roots to minimize your risk. Monitor NOAA Weather Radio for updates and possible warnings.
All Alerts
Region Alert
North Carolina Flood Warning (10)
South Carolina Flood Warning
Arkansas Flood Warning (2)
Florida Flood Warning (2)
California Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory (3)
Alaska Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory
Montana Lakeshore Warning or Statement
Texas Public Severe Weather Alert
Coastal Oregon-California,Coastal California-Oregon Public Severe Weather Alert
Massachusetts Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
North Carolina Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (6)
Connecticut,New York Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (18)
New Jersey,New York Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (10)
Florida Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (16)
Maryland Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (9)
District of Columbia Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Virginia Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (9)
Delaware Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
California Flood Statement (3)
Minnesota Special Weather Statement
Missouri Special Weather Statement
Alaska Special Weather Statement
Texas Special Weather Statement
Indiana Air Stagnation Advisory (7)
California Air Stagnation Advisory (2)
Coastal California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
North Dakota Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
South Dakota Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Coastal Washington,Strait of Juan de Fuca - Washington Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Washington Marine Weather Statement
Massachusetts Marine Weather Statement
Rhode Island Marine Weather Statement
Lake Superior - Michigan Marine Weather Statement
Coastal California Marine Weather Statement (9)
New York Marine Weather Statement (12)
Coastal Delaware-Maryland-Virginia,Coastal Virginia Marine Weather Statement (7)
Lake Okeechobee (Florida) Marine Weather Statement (3)
North Carolina,Virginia Marine Weather Statement (2)
Coastal Florida Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Massachusetts,Coastal Massachusetts-Rhode Island,Coastal Atlantic (south to NC) Marine Weather Statement (10)
New Jersey Marine Weather Statement (3)
Coastal Oregon-California,Coastal California-Oregon Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Oregon Marine Weather Statement
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