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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Cape Coral, FL 
Current Time: 04:35:44 PM EDT

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Type Tropical Cyclone Statement

Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement

Issued By NWS Houston/Galveston TX
Issuing Time Tue, 10 Sep 2024 08:15:00 PDT
Broadcast Time Tue, 10 Sep 2024 08:15:00 PDT
Valid Until Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:15:00 PDT
Brief Description Tropical Cyclone Statement
Detailed Description HLSHGX This product covers Southeast Texas **FRANCINE NOW MOVING NORTH-NORTHEASTWARD ACROSS THE WESTERN GULF OF MEXICO** NEW INFORMATION --------------- * CHANGES TO WATCHES AND WARNINGS: - None * CURRENT WATCHES AND WARNINGS: - A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for Bolivar Peninsula, Brazoria Islands, Chambers, Coastal Brazoria, Coastal Galveston, Coastal Harris, Coastal Jackson, Coastal Matagorda, Galveston Island, Matagorda Islands, and Southern Liberty * STORM INFORMATION: - About 310 miles south of Galveston TX - 24.9N 95.6W - Storm Intensity 65 mph - Movement North-northeast or 20 degrees at 8 mph SITUATION OVERVIEW ------------------ Tropical Storm Francine has started to push to the north-northeast. Is it expected become a hurricane today as it turns further to the northeast and tracks into the northwest Gulf of Mexico. Francine is currently expected to make landfall along the Louisiana coast on Wednesday. Potential impacts to SE Texas include surge along the immediate coast, in addition to a few gusty winds and isolated heavy rain near the coast. Coastal flooding impacts may be slightly amplified due to wave run-up, and onshore winds on the west side of the storm may produce bayside flooding across the Galveston Bay region. A Tropical Storm Watch is currently in effect for all coastal areas of SE Texas. Tropical Storm and Warnings are in effect for the Gulf waters out 60 nm. POTENTIAL IMPACTS ----------------- * SURGE: Prepare for locally hazardous surge having possible limited impacts along the Southeast Texas Coast. Potential impacts in this area include: - Localized inundation with storm surge flooding mainly along immediate shorelines and in low-lying spots, or in areas farther inland near where higher surge waters move ashore. - Sections of near-shore roads and parking lots become overspread with surge water. Driving conditions dangerous in places where surge water covers the road. - Moderate beach erosion. Heavy surf also breaching dunes, mainly in usually vulnerable locations. Strong rip currents. - Minor to locally moderate damage to marinas, docks, boardwalks, and piers. A few small craft broken away from moorings. * FLOODING RAIN: Prepare for locally hazardous rainfall flooding having possible limited impacts across Southeast Texas. Potential impacts include: - Localized rainfall flooding may prompt a few evacuations. - Rivers and tributaries may quickly rise with swifter currents. Small streams, creeks, canals, and ditches may become swollen and overflow in spots. - Flood waters can enter a few structures, especially in usually vulnerable spots. A few places where rapid ponding of water occurs at underpasses, low-lying spots, and poor drainage areas. Several storm drains and retention ponds become near-full and begin to overflow. Some brief road and bridge closures. * WIND: Prepare for hazardous wind having possible limited impacts across along the Southeast Texas Coast. Potential impacts in this area include: - Damage to porches, awnings, carports, sheds, and unanchored mobile homes. Unsecured lightweight objects blown about. - Many large tree limbs broken off. A few trees snapped or uprooted, but with greater numbers in places where trees are shallow rooted. Some fences and roadway signs blown over. - A few roads impassable from debris, particularly within urban or heavily wooded places. Hazardous driving conditions on bridges and other elevated roadways. - Scattered power and communications outages. Elsewhere across Southeast Texas, little to no impact is anticipated. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS ---------------------------------- * OTHER PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION: When making safety and preparedness decisions, do not focus on the exact forecast track since hazards such as flooding rain, damaging wind gusts, storm surge, and tornadoes extend well away from the center of the storm. If you live in a place particularly vulnerable to flooding, such as near the ocean or a large inland lake, in a low-lying or poor drainage area, in a valley, or near an already swollen river, plan to move to safe shelter on higher ground. Always heed the advice of local officials and comply with orders that are issued. Do not needlessly jeopardize your life or the lives of others. Check on those who may not be fully aware of the situation or who are unable to make personal preparations. If you are a visitor, know the name of the county or parish in which you are located and where it is relative to current watches and warnings. If staying at a hotel, ask the management staff about their onsite disaster plan. Listen for evacuation orders, especially pertaining to area visitors. Closely monitor weather.gov, NOAA Weather Radio and local news outlets for official storm information. Listen for possible changes to the forecast. * ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION: - For information on appropriate preparations see ready.gov - For information on creating an emergency plan see getagameplan.org - For additional disaster preparedness information see redcross.org NEXT UPDATE ----------- The next local statement will be issued by the National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston TX around 4 PM CDT, or sooner if conditions warrant.
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Guam Flash Flood Warning
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Mississippi Flood Warning (4)
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Idaho,Montana Winter Weather Warning, Watch, or Advisory
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Coastal Louisiana-Mississippi Tropical Cyclone Advisory
Louisiana Hurricane Local Statement (35)
Mississippi Hurricane Local Statement (24)
Lake Pontchartrain/Lake Maurepas (Alabama/Mississippi),Gulf of Mexico waters,Coastal Mississippi Hurricane Local Statement (28)
Guam,Mauritius Hurricane Local Statement
Guam Coastal Waters,Rota Coastal Waters,Tinian Coastal Waters,Saipan Coastal Waters Hurricane Local Statement
Texas Hurricane Local Statement (38)
California,Nevada Lakeshore Warning or Statement (2)
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Arizona,California Public Severe Weather Alert (14)
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Guam,Mauritius Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Louisiana Flood Statement (5)
Alabama,Florida,Mississippi Flood Statement (4)
Guam,Mauritius Flood Statement
Federated States of Micronesia,Palau Special Weather Statement
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Indiana,Kentucky,Ohio Air Stagnation Advisory
Oregon Air Stagnation Advisory (5)
California Air Stagnation Advisory (4)
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Montana Air Stagnation Advisory
Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (7)
Louisiana Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (21)
Mississippi Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Alabama,Florida,Mississippi Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (5)
Monterey Bay Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Nebraska Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Kansas,Nebraska Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Colorado,Utah Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (5)
Wyoming Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Idaho Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Oregon Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
California Red Flag Warning (5)
Nevada Red Flag Warning (6)
Idaho Red Flag Warning (4)
Oregon Red Flag Warning
Utah Red Flag Warning (6)
Arizona,Nevada Red Flag Warning
Coastal California Marine Weather Statement (9)
Coastal Florida,Coastal Florida-Georgia Marine Weather Statement (12)
Texas Marine Weather Statement (3)
Matagorda Bay Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement
Laguna Madre Bay,Gulf of Mexico waters,Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement (8)
Alabama Marine Weather Statement
Coastal South Carolina Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Georgia Marine Weather Statement (5)
Coastal South Carolina-Georgia Marine Weather Statement
Guam,Mauritius Marine Weather Statement (2)
Minnesota,Wisconsin Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Florida,Coastal Florida-Georgia Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Florida Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Florida,Coastal Florida-Georgia Marine Weather Statement
Idaho,Montana River Statement
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