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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL 
Current Time: 08:35:08 PM EDT

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Weather Alert
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Type Red Flag Warning

Red Flag Warning

Issued By NWS Seattle WA
Issuing Time Wed, 04 Sep 2024 13:53:00 PDT
Broadcast Time Wed, 04 Sep 2024 13:53:00 PDT
Valid Until Thu, 05 Sep 2024 04:00:00 PDT
Brief Description Red Flag Warning
Detailed Description The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Red Flag Warning for hot, dry and unstable conditions, which is in effect from 11 AM Thursday to 11 PM PDT Friday. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect. * AFFECTED AREA. Fire Weather Zone 658 West Slopes of the North Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY. As low as 20 to 25 percent. * TEMPERATURES. Up to 85. * HAINES. Mid-level Haines 6. * IMPACTS. A dry and unstable air mass with warm temperatures can contribute to active fire behavior. In western Washington, significant growth on existing fires takes place under such conditions. If a fire were to begin, air quality may diminish in the surrounding area.
All Alerts
Region Alert
Florida Flood Warning (8)
Texas Flood Warning (2)
Michigan Flood Warning
Montana Lakeshore Warning or Statement (3)
California Public Severe Weather Alert (25)
Arizona Public Severe Weather Alert (9)
Washington Public Severe Weather Alert (3)
Idaho Public Severe Weather Alert (4)
Oregon Public Severe Weather Alert (2)
Louisiana,Mississippi Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Florida Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
North Carolina Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Louisiana,Mississippi Flood Statement (2)
New Mexico Flood Statement
Texas Flood Statement (2)
Alaska Special Weather Statement (5)
Colorado Special Weather Statement (3)
Florida Special Weather Statement
Oregon Air Stagnation Advisory (3)
Idaho Air Stagnation Advisory (12)
Arizona Air Stagnation Advisory (2)
Minnesota Air Stagnation Advisory
California Air Stagnation Advisory (3)
Nevada Air Stagnation Advisory
Wyoming Air Stagnation Advisory (3)
Indiana,Kentucky,Ohio Air Stagnation Advisory
Oregon,Washington Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Alaska Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Washington Red Flag Warning (5)
Oregon,Washington Red Flag Warning (2)
Lake Pontchartrain/Lake Maurepas (Alabama/Mississippi) Marine Weather Statement (2)
Coastal Oregon,Coastal California-Oregon Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Georgia Marine Weather Statement (7)
Coastal South Carolina-Georgia Marine Weather Statement (7)
Florida Marine Weather Statement (6)
Coastal Florida Marine Weather Statement (2)
Coastal Florida,Coastal Florida-Georgia Marine Weather Statement
Coastal New Jersey Marine Weather Statement (3)
Coastal New Jersey,Coastal Delaware Marine Weather Statement (2)
Coastal North Carolina,Coastal North Carolina-South Carolina,Coastal South Carolina Marine Weather Statement (8)
Texas Marine Weather Statement
Michigan Marine Weather Statement
Chesapeake Bay,Tidal Potomac,Coastal Atlantic (south to NC) Marine Weather Statement (10)
Maryland,Virginia Marine Weather Statement (2)
Lake Michigan - Michigan Marine Weather Statement
Lake Michigan - Michigan,Lake Michigan Marine Weather Statement
New York Marine Weather Statement
Lake Superior - Minnesota Marine Weather Statement
Florida River Statement
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