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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Fort Myers Beach, FL 
Current Time: 09:26:16 PM EDT

Other Alerts  
Weather Alert
    Other Weather Alerts
Type Excessive Heat Watch
Issued By NWS Phoenix AZ
Issuing Time Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:14:00 PDT
Broadcast Time Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:14:00 PDT
Valid Until Tue, 24 Sep 2024 04:15:00 PDT
Brief Description Excessive Heat Watch
Detailed Description * WHAT. Dangerously hot conditions possible. Afternoon temperatures 105 to 110 degrees. Major Heat Risk. * WHERE. A portion of south central Arizona including the Phoenix metropolitan area * WHEN. From Wednesday morning through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS. Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat events. Overexposure can cause heat cramps and heat exhaustion to develop and, without intervention, can lead to heat stroke.
All Alerts
Region Alert
Arkansas Flood Warning (2)
North Carolina Flood Warning (8)
Florida Flood Warning (2)
New York Flood Warning
Florida Hurricane Local Statement
Coastal Florida,Gulf of Mexico waters,Key West - Florida,Key West to Dry Tortugas Hurricane Local Statement
Arizona Public Severe Weather Alert
California Public Severe Weather Alert (2)
Maryland Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (13)
District of Columbia,Virginia Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (19)
Florida Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
Missouri Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement
New Jersey,Pennsylvania Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (6)
Delaware Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (6)
North Carolina Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (16)
Alaska Special Weather Statement
Arizona Air Stagnation Advisory
California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Florida Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Pennsylvania Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Massachusetts,Rhode Island Marine Weather Statement
Vineyard Sound,Buzzards Bay,Rhode Island Sound,Block Island Sound Marine Weather Statement
Cape Cod Bay,Nantucket Sound Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Massachusetts,Coastal Atlantic (south to NC) Marine Weather Statement (11)
Coastal North Carolina Marine Weather Statement (7)
Indiana Marine Weather Statement (2)
Illinois Marine Weather Statement
Delaware Marine Weather Statement (2)
New Jersey Marine Weather Statement (4)
Maryland,North Carolina Marine Weather Statement (2)
Virginia Marine Weather Statement (4)
New York Marine Weather Statement (3)
Coastal Florida Marine Weather Statement
Lake Huron Marine Weather Statement
Lake Huron Marine Weather Statement
Florida River Statement
Alabama,Florida,Georgia River Statement
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