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  Storm Center: Weather Alerts: Warnings

My Location: Goldsboro, NC 
Current Time: 09:10:12 PM EDT

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Special Weather Statement

Issued By
Issuing Time Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:44:34 PDT
Broadcast Time Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:44:34 PDT
Valid Until Tue, 09 Jul 2024 03:44:34 PDT
Brief Description HEAT WARNING
Detailed Description 4:44 PM MDT Monday 8 July 2024 Heat Warning in effect for: Co. of Paintearth near Coronation and Throne A long duration heat event continues. Most of Alberta will see the hottest temperatures, up to 37 degrees Celsius, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Overnight lows ranging from the mid-teens into the low-20s will not provide much relief from the daytime heat. Cooler temperatures will begin to move into northwestern parts of the province on Thursday. For other areas, hot temperatures are generally expected to persist through the much of next week. Residents of and visitors to the warned regions are advised to take the following precautions to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours: - Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day. - Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible. - Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated. - Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle. Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle, for any length of time. Monitor for symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion, such as high body temperature, lack of sweat, confusion, fainting, and unconsciousness. Pay particular attention to individuals that can experience earlier or more severe effects from heat including infants, children, seniors, and individuals with pre-existing lung, heart, kidney, nervous system, mental health or diabetic conditions, outdoor workers, as well as those who are socially isolated. Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion. For more heat health advice, visit: albertahealthservices.ca/news/heat.aspx . Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to ABstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #ABStorm .
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Arkansas Tornado Warning (9)
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Kansas,Missouri Flood Warning
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Arkansas Flood Warning
Louisiana,Texas Flood Warning (2)
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Louisiana Severe Local Storm Watch or Watch Cancellation (4)
Lake Huron Special Marine Warning
Lake Huron Special Marine Warning
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District of Columbia,Maryland,Virginia Public Severe Weather Alert
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Delaware,New Jersey,Pennsylvania Public Severe Weather Alert (5)
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Connecticut,New York Public Severe Weather Alert (5)
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Idaho,Washington Public Severe Weather Alert (20)
Utah Public Severe Weather Alert (13)
Oregon,Washington Public Severe Weather Alert (10)
Texas Public Severe Weather Alert
Montana Public Severe Weather Alert (7)
Florida Public Severe Weather Alert
Massachusetts Public Severe Weather Alert
Minnesota Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (6)
Louisiana Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (10)
Alabama Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement
Missouri Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (5)
Florida Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (8)
South Carolina Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Texas Coastal Flood Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Arkansas,Oklahoma Flood Statement (5)
Illinois,Missouri Flood Statement (7)
New Mexico Flood Statement (4)
Texas Flood Statement (4)
Connecticut,New York Special Weather Statement
Louisiana Special Weather Statement
New Mexico Special Weather Statement (2)
North Dakota Special Weather Statement
Oklahoma Special Weather Statement
Georgia Special Weather Statement (3)
Alabama Special Weather Statement
Mississippi Special Weather Statement (2)
Nebraska Special Weather Statement
Illinois Special Weather Statement
Arkansas,Mississippi,Tennessee Air Stagnation Advisory
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New York Air Stagnation Advisory (6)
Connecticut Air Stagnation Advisory (8)
New Jersey Air Stagnation Advisory (3)
Arizona Air Stagnation Advisory
Oregon,Washington Air Stagnation Advisory (2)
Massachusetts Air Stagnation Advisory
Colorado Air Stagnation Advisory
Washington Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (3)
Oregon,Washington Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (15)
Coastal California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (4)
Louisiana,Texas Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Coastal Delaware-Maryland-Virginia Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal Oregon-California Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Coastal California-Oregon Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement
Massachusetts,Rhode Island Non Precipitation Warning, Watch, or Statement (2)
Oregon Red Flag Warning (3)
Utah Red Flag Warning
Washington Red Flag Warning (3)
California Red Flag Warning (2)
Florida Marine Weather Statement
Alabama,Florida Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Louisiana-Mississippi Marine Weather Statement
Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement (4)
Coastal Texas Marine Weather Statement
Lake Michigan - Michigan,Lake Michigan Marine Weather Statement
Indiana,Michigan,Ohio River Statement
Illinois,Indiana River Statement (2)
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