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My Location: Kingvale, CA 
Current Time: 08:52:51 PM PDT

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May Data Choose another month
Average High Temperature 23 °C Average Morning Relative Humidity 55%
Average Low Temperature 3 °C Average Afternoon Relative Humidity 26%
Average Mean Temp 13 °C Typical Sky Cover CLR
Average Dew Point 0 °C Average Precipitation (US Only) 18 mm
Average Windspeed 22 km/h Average Snowfall (US Only) 2.50 cm
Average Wind Direction NW  
Daily Counts
Days With Precipitation 4 Days With Snow N/A
Days With Thunderstorms 2 Days With Lows Below Freezing 6
Days With Fog N/A Days above 90° F (32.2° C) 1
Record High 36 °C Record 24-hour Snowfall 22.80 cm
Record Low -8 °C Record Monthly Rainfall 74 mm
Record Wind Speed 100 km/h Record 24-hour Rainfall 46 mm
Record Monthly Snowfall 35.50 cm Record Minimum Monthly Precipitation N/A
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