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My Location: Modesto, CA 
Current Time: 08:59:22 PM PDT

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Surf Alerts
Date Alert
Wind Conditions
Day   Speed Direction
Light winds 9 km/h Northwest
Light winds 9 km/h North-Northwest
Light winds 7 km/h South-Southwest
Light winds 10 km/h Northwest
Breezy conditions 17 km/h North-Northwest
Wave Conditions
Day   Wave Height Mean Wave Direction/Period Wind Wave Direction/Period Peak Wave Direction/Period Sea Surface Temperature
Sun Small waves 1.3 m Northwest / 11sec North /  West-Northwest / 10sec 14°C
Mon Small waves 1.3 m Northwest / 9sec North /  West-Northwest / 9sec 14°C
Tue Small waves 1.1 m West-Northwest / 11sec North /  West-Northwest / 10sec 14°C
Wed Small waves 1.2 m West / 13sec West / 6sec West-Northwest / 12sec 14°C
Thu Medium waves 1.6 m West-Northwest / 14sec Northwest / 5sec West-Northwest / 14sec 14°C
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