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My Location: Rensselaer, NY 
Current Time: 05:28:03 AM EDT

Reporting Location: Tree Haven Trails
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Ski Report
Tree Haven Trails
Snow conditions provided by SnoCountry Mountain Reports™
Report Date / Time 09.27.2024 / 11:20 AM EDT
New snow min * Skiable trails open      
New snow max * Skiable acres open      
Primary surface conditions No Report % Skiable acres open      
Base depth min * Cross Country No Report
Base depth max * Snowboarding No Report
# lifts open       Hours of operation No Report
# trails open       Operating Status No Report
Snow making No Report Projected Operations No Report
Night-skiing No Report Snow Comments No Report
Grooming No Report
Comments No Report
©2024 SnoCountry Mountain Reports™. All rights reserved.
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