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  Marine Reports: Tide Tables

My Location: Yuma, AZ 
Current Time: 04:03:29 PM MST

Reporting Location: Puerto Penasco, Sonora
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Tide Tables
  High Tide Low Tide
  Time Height Time Height
Sun Tide Set One 04:33 AM 14.76 ft 10:30 AM 4.10 ft
Tide Set Two 04:16 PM 11.88 ft 10:38 PM 1.61 ft
Astronomy Information
    Moonphase Rise Set
Moon Waning gibbous 09:47 PM 11:49 AM
Sun   06:27 AM 06:33 PM
  High Tide Low Tide
  Time Height Time Height
Mon Tide Set One 05:37 AM 12.40 ft 11:33 AM 6.69 ft
Tide Set Two 04:52 PM 9.35 ft 11:40 PM 3.90 ft
Tue Tide Set One 07:56 AM 10.79 ft 04:47 PM 7.05 ft
Tide Set Two 08:07 PM 7.45 ft
Wed Tide Set One 10:35 AM 11.84 ft 02:53 AM 4.86 ft
Tide Set Two 10:44 PM 8.86 ft 05:30 PM 5.15 ft
More Locations
Location Coordinates  
El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, -- (31.65N, 114.58W)
San Felipe, Baja California Norte, -- (31.03N, 114.77W)
Puerto Penasco, Sonora, -- (31.30N, 113.53W)
Puerto Penasco, Sonora, -- (31.30N, 113.38W)
Ensenada, Baja California Norte, -- (31.85N, 116.63W)
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