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There are 7 possible locations to choose from. Please select a location for more weather information. If you do not see the location you are looking for please do a new search.
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Location Coordinates
Wetappo Creek, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.03N, 85.40W)
Farmdale, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.02N, 85.47W)
Allanton, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.03N, 85.46W)
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Location Coordinates
Allanton, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.03N, 85.46W)
Port Saint Joe, St. Joseph Bay, FL (29.80N, 85.30W)
Laird Bayou, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.12N, 85.54W)
Parker, St. Andrew Bay, FL (30.13N, 85.62W)
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