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My Location: Pelican, AK 
Current Time: 08:48:18 PM AKDT

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Today SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1987-Hurricane Emily crossed the island of Bermuda during the early morning. Emily, moving northeast at 45 mph, produced wind gusts to 115 mph at Kindley Field. The thirty-five million dollars damage inflicted by Emily made it the worst hurricane to strike Bermuda since 1948. Parts of Michigan and Wisconsin experienced their first freeze of the autumn. Snow and sleet were reported in the Sheffield and Sutton areas of northeastern Vermont at midday.
SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1939-A west coast hurricane moved onshore south of Los Angeles bringing unprecedented rains along the southern coast of California. Nearly five and a half inches of rain drenched Los Angeles during a 24 hour period. The hurricane caused two million dollars damage, mostly to structures along the coast and to crops, and claimed 45 lives at sea. "El Cordonazo" produced 5.66 inches of rain at Los Angeles and 11.6 inches of rain at Mount Wilson, both records for the month of September.
Sep 24 SEPTEMBER 24TH, 1926-The temperature at Yellowstone Park dipped to nine degrees below zero. It was the coldest reading of record in the U.S. during September.
SEPTEMBER 24TH, 1950-A smoke pall from western Canada forest fires covered much of the eastern U.S. Daylight was reduced to nighttime darkness in parts of the Northeast. The color of the sun varied from pink to purple, blue, or lavendar. Yellow to grey-tan was common.
Sep 23 SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1983-A thunderstorm downburst caused a timber blowdown in the Kaibab National Forest north of the Grand Canyon. Two hundred acres were completely destroyed, and scattered destruction occurred across another 3300 acres. Many trees were snapped off 15 to 30 feet above ground level.
SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1815-One of the greatest hurricanes to strike New England made landfall at Long Island and crossed Massachusetts and New Hampshire. It was the worst tempest in nearly two hundred years, equal to the hurricane which struck in 1938, and one of a series of severe summer and autumn storms to affect shipping lanes that year.
Sep 22 SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1961-Hurricane Esther made a near complete circle south of Cape Cod. The hurricane then passed over Cape Cod and hit Maine. Its energy was largely spent over the North Atlantic Ocean, however, heavy rains over Maine resulted in widespread local flooding of cellars, low roads, and underpasses.
SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1987-Hurricane Emily, the first hurricane to roam the Carribean in nearly six years, made landfall over the Dominican Republic late in the day, packing 125 mph winds. Emily killed three persons and caused thirty million dollars damage.
Sep 21 SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1894-A heavy chicken house, sixteen by sixteen feet in area, was picked up by a tornado and wedged between two trees. The hens were found the next day sitting on their eggs in the chicken house, with no windows broken, as though nothing had happened.
SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1938-The Great Hurricane of 1938, one of the worst storms in U.S. history, strikes an unexpecting and unprepared New England and other Eastern Seaboard areas. After a devastating landfall in Long Island, the storm lays waste to 40,000 square miles across New York and New England; 600 lose their lives as losses soar to over $350 million, including the destruction of 20,000 homes and 26,000 automobiles.
Sep 20 SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1845-The Adirondack Tornado cuts a 275 mi (443 km) swath from Canada to New York, leaving waterspouts whirling on Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain and windfall damage in forests that was still visible over a century later.
SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1967-Hurricane Beulah moved into South Texas, and torrential rains from the hurricane turned the rich agricultural areas of South Texas into a large lake. Hurricane Beulah also spawned a record 115 tornadoes.
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